Friday, August 3, 2007


On monday lao gong scolded me quite badly for something. Cos i wasn't discerning and didn't behave properly. I felt that he had been too harsh on me so I threw a pretty big tantrum.

Yah I know I'm trying to submit but I was really hurt that day and my emotions got the better of me. I cried my eyes out cos lao gong refused to talk to me the whole day and I still felt that it was unfair of him to scold me like that.

Finally I gave in and went back to my "little girl" posture and simply pouted and went about doing my own things. Then lao gong sat me on his lap and explained to me why he was so angry and after that he asked me to close my eyes for a surprise.

He then placed something in my lap and made me guess what it was. It was a small flat box that felt like a box of chocolates but I knew most prob lao gong wldn't have to make a box of chocolates so secretive.

As he helped me take the object out, I was like oh no please. i didn't dare look cos a while back he had brought me into a gucci boutique out of the blue. He made me test a bag which i felt was nice but when I realised the bag cost a thousand plus, i was offended! I felt that it was ridiculous to pay so much for a bag and I told lao gong actually the bag wasn't so nice.

Back to Monday, true to my suspicions, it was a Gucci wallet. And then he brought out an even bigger paper bag and in it was the bag i liked. Yap I nearly fainted. For those who know me well, I'm a $30 bag person. Never in my life have I thought of owning one of those ridiculously expensive stuff. Of course if it's free I wouldn't mind but I would never spend money or my lao gong's money on such stuff.

Honestly speaking, if this was the former "domineering no-no submit to hubbi" Hui Ling, I would have scolded hubbi for splurging so much on things like bags and wallets. Even if it was for me. I would rather save it up for practical things like our child's education (if you get what I mean.)

But because now I've learnt how to submit to hubbi and also accept God's blessings, I received the gifts with much gratitude to both God n hubbi. Submitting to hubbi means respecting his decisions and not criticise him for the decisions he has made, in this case splurging on Gucci for his wife.

I've come to understand the grace of God to a deeper level. Yes the money could have been saved up for emergency or family planning but as the bible says in

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Of course it doesn't mean that we spend without wisdom and misuse the resources that God has called us to be stewards of but it means that we don't have to be so uptight all the time. Sometimes it is ok to sit back and allow God (and others) to pamper you. Then you would love God even more and with that deeper gratitude you would be able to give even more love to God and to others right?

Sigh...I've never had a bag so structured, so roomy...

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