Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ah don't beat my backside

I feel sheepish again for not updating for such a looooong time. But recently lao gong set up a new house rule. That both of us are not supposed to be on the comp after 10pm. This is to make sure we have quality time for each other. So I really have not much chance to update. Mornings and afternoons are the times I reserve for QT and worship. After all the meal times and preps for tuition, I really feel so hard-pressed for time.

But i really wanna update regularly. Lao gong set another house rule. To sleep by 12am and wake up by 6am. We didn't accomplish either till now. Cos we're always out at night these days and by the time we come home and settle down, it's always past 12am. For 3 days, I've been having plain green nails on my left hand and red flowers on green nails on the right hand.
Cos lao gong didn't have time to finish up the manicure. And last night at 1am when we were finally ready for bed, lao gong suddenly says he's hungry. Again. So we had to walk all the way out to buy cup noodles and after everything, it's already 2 plus. So we ended up waking late again and not accomplishing enough work during the day.
Hai I must be a better helper. If even the helper loves to sleep till 12 noon, how can she help the lao gong to wake up early?

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