Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fishing Story (Special Edition)

Remember a few months ago I shared about God causing all the fishes to die in the long kang because of 1 man, which was my lao gong as a sign to him that he shouldn't have gone fishing?

Yesterday lao gong told me he wanted to go fishing again and felt the peace of God telling him to go. I felt very strongly (well I got pretty upset actually) that lao gong shouldn't go but tried to remain open to God's comments on what He felt about the whole situation so I asked Him to give me a sign if I was wrong by way of lao gong's catch. Or lack of it.

Lao gong also asked God for a sign and prayed that if he doesn't get any fish, it would mean that he was wrong and that it was his own desire telling him it was ok to go fishing and he would apologise to me first thing when he sees me.

God not only gave lao gong a fish, he gave him his biggest fish ever fished in his entire 19 years of fishing career. Yup lao gong started fishing ever since Primary One or even before that. Teo, Randy and Quek also went but didn't catch anything. Haiz...I better be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to anger. And also learn my lesson of submission.

By the way, this seabass weighs 7kg. God is really amazing. I think He has a sense of humor too, don't you think so?

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