Friday, August 3, 2007

Curry Chicken, Transformers n St James Power Station

Sunday after service we had a great time at corporate prayer meeting.

Then went Andy n Sally's house for homecooked curry chicken.

Caught transformers @ Vivo City. The show's so good! We're gonna watch it again on DVD. Bumble bee!!!!!!

Met the rest at St James power station. There was a great band there with great vocals. Only thing was the vocals were so good Andy Quek suspected that the ang mo sound technician at the back did something to the vocals which made the singers sound so good. Well but it didn't matter. Just got me more inspired for Karaoke on Monday with Mei, Audrey, Lit Kah, Wanhui and of course me and lao gong.

Wanhui and Lit Kah sounded so good together we asked them to join the singing competition and compete with a duet. =P

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