Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bert & Cherilyn's Wedding

21 July 2007

This was a fully packed weekend. After 2 lessons one after another, we had to rush to Goodwood Park for the wedding lunch. Though we rushed till I had motion sickness in the car, we were still very very late. By the time we reached, the ceremony had ended and everyone had started eating. Felt so sheepish running through the marquee to our table.

After the wedding lunch we hung around town with Stacia, Carolin and Heli to wait for the dinner at Hyatt so that we don't have to travel to and fro. I felt lousy not being able to change into something different for the dinner so God brought us to Wisma and I bought this hairpin that gave me a totally different hairdo. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!

My very first french twist!

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