Monday, June 25, 2007

Snacks for thought

Hi I need to run cos very busy today but was just so excited to share with you this quote that I thought was very meaningful. Jay Adams summarises God's high calling for married couples (Eph 5:22-25) in 2 questions.

"Husbands, do you love your wives enough to die for them?

Wives, do you love your husbands enough to live for them?"

I stumbled upon this website long time ago when I was very new to marriage and struggling to adapt and I found it very very useful. It is almost like a post-marriage counselling and even has exercises for us to do together as husband and wife to understand each other better and help each other along in loving each other in the unconditional way God intended us to do. Do visit it when you're free. Hope it blesses you! >_<

Here's some pics to share my day with ya.

A day @ e Zoo with Home Cell and Mel's mum and bro

Cute little white tiger (Camera effects) Actually it's not that little

Quit looking at my butt...I know it's sexy ;P

Ah...Spa on a hot day...

Naughty boy! Pull your ear!!!

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