Friday, June 15, 2007

Food for thought

Proverbs 12:4 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband...[NASB]

Wow...Lao gong shared this with me today. It speaks of what a wife can do for her husband if she excels as a wife. The crown is a symbol of power, authority and glory of a king. It is a distinction and also the most valuable part of a collection e.g. the 1.5 caret diamond was the crown of her jewellery collection. Ok let's not digress. The crown is also defined as the top or highest part of the head.

So can you imagine what an excellent wife does? Wow....I wanna be a crown too! I asked lao gong how to be excellent. He wants me to be close to God. And not be domineering towards him. Then he told me actually he really thank God for me. But I told him I don't cook, I don't do much housework and I fail so many times to submit and he still thinks I'm good???

He replied that actually he thinks housework shouldn't be delegated to woman. Cos it's hard work. He says that in order to be an excellent helper, I have to be a good listener, always ready to encourage, support, listen and remind. Hmm...ok I shall meditate the next few days on how to be a good helper. Let you know whether I improved the next few days. ;D

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