Thursday, November 1, 2007

18-Year Old Hui Ling

Recently I 've been getting paranoid about looking older. Especially after I permed my hair.
About 2 years ago, when I was 24, a pastor at our former church WEFC asked me, "Are you taking your 'O' Levels this year?"

A few months back, before I permed my hair, we met an auntie in church and she saw us playing so she smiled and asked in Hokkien,"You all good friends hah?"

We told her we were husband and wife and she went,
"Huh?!?! I thought you were 18 years old!"

It makes sense that I should look 18 this year since I look 16 two years ago.

After I permed my hair, no one told me such nice things anymore =(

About a week ago, Audrey sent me a picture we took during last year's Christmas. Upon looking at the photo, I mentally compared myself to how I look then and now and felt once again that

Yup, I've grown older.

Christmas 2006

Today I went to the gym with lao gong and assisted him in training a small group of senior aunties. About 50+ in age. An extract of the conversation

Auntie no. 1: "Your wife ar?"

Auntie No. 2: "You just married is it?"

Auntie No.3: "She looks like a Secondary School student."

Hehe I'm so happy. Thank God perming hair didn't make me look much older.

Psalm 103:1,5

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name...

who satisfies your desires with good things

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

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