Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Muscle Chef [con't]

It is every mum's wish to see their daughter happily married. I like to share with my mum how well my hubby treats me and how he pampers me because I want her to share in my joy too. As I was telling her how good hubby is at steamed fish, my sis brought up one of my latest blog entry titled muscle chef.

She was saying that the entry was quite funny and as she read it, she became very curious on how the steamed fish looked since the preparation already looked so pretty. And she couldn't find it. And she kept scrolling down hoping to see a pic of how the final product looked but was disappointed that I didn't post a photo of the final product.

Today I was craving for lao gong's steamed fish again so this time so lao gong went to the supermarket and bought a red grouper, which is supposed to be very good for steamed fish. And I resolved to take a photo for my baby sis Ah Yun to see.

Presenting my lao gong's restaurant standard steamed red grouper....

And it was very tasty...... =D

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