Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nails Update- Christmas Edition

To go along with the Christmas theme, lao gong chose a green shade for my nails. He did some colour experimentation and mixed a silverish blue with light green to get the final glittery turquoise green.

The 1st shade of Silvery Blue

The second shade of Green
For those interested to know, the darker colour has to go on 1st to act as the base for the lighter shade. With a darker shade as the base, the green looks more "solid" and the silver adds on the glitter. The lighter shade cannot be painted first because when the darker shade goes over it, you wouldn't be able to see the lighter colour at all as the darker shade completely covers over the light base.

Final Artwork

To complete the Christmas theme, lao gong added on bits of glitter in varying sizes in french manicure style.

As I write this blog post and reflect on how lao gong painstakingly takes the effort to do my nails as often as he can, I feel very blessed to be given a hubby who's so sweet to me. The extra effort of taking out pieces of glitter from the nail polish took a long time to do and even I became sleepy watching him do it.

Thank you lao gong. Sometimes I throw tantrums and forget how much you actually love me and even say hurtful things when we quarrel. Thank you for always forgiving me and loving me. I thank God for that very 1st phonecall five Christmases ago that started everything. That was my best Christmas present ever. Love you lao gong =)

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