Wednesday, July 4, 2007


That's the name of our church cell. The name speaks volumes. We laugh at silly things and serious things and we're very loud because we all like to talk at the same time and poke fun at each other. Ok my lao gong is one of the loudest cos he's a joker who likes the crack the lamiest joke of the month.

Yet we also support one another through trials. We share with each other our ups and downs. We pray for each other's downs and we squeal over each other's ups.

Steamboat at Bugis

We eat like a bunch of crazy fellas. Most of our bonding sessions include food hunts all over Singapore, from Pasir Panjang's duck rice to Serene Centre's ice cream to chinatown's chinese pastries right back to Zi Char near church.

Hog's Breath @ Holland V

However, as of 1 July 2007, we're splitting. Not because we don't love each other but because we've stayed too long together and it is unhealthy for a cell to remain too long in their comfort zone. When it's too big, newcomers find it intimidating and difficult to assimilate and it would be selfish of us to remain stuck to each other and being happy in our own world.

We will be having combined worship for the first 3 months and only split for cell discussion. Thereafter, we'll have a genuine split and offically separate into 2 smaller groups. As I write, or type, I'm starting to realise for the first time that we're really splitting!!! I'm tempted to feel sad but then again it's my choice whether to take this change positively or negatively. Yup so I shall focus more on the good changes this split can bring about.

This post is dedicated to my dear siaoz cell. Even though we have only joined you all quite recently, you have brought lots of laughter and joy to our lives. Because of you, we've settled so quickly into Living Sanctuary and friday evenings are always filled with laughter, good times of worship and sharing and You wrote our wedding cards, folded them and stuck stamps onto them. You ran around helping us with last minute errands to give us a beautiful church wedding, you accompanied us when we served endless cups of tea to relatives and you willingly took on the mess during the wedding dinner when the tables got mixed up. You sat away from your favourite pals because you wanted to help fill the missing seats at the tables and save us the cost of an additional table. We feel loved and accepted in LSBC because you have been such good cellmates. Siaoz cell, you are the best cell!!!


Anonymous said...

so glad that you came to our cell. You and Shawn are so passionate and always full of fire. I'm sure we'll spend our lives together till we grow old. Supporting and loving each other.

Hui Ling said...

Yes...supporting and loving each other. We're so glad to know u and quan n thankful that we got to get close cos of being in the same cell. you two are so passionate for God and His kingdom and always so helpful and gracious. Love you two =)