Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to make Big Money

Yesterday hubby commented that there were cobwebs on our windows so we proceeded to springclean our house. I decided to be a good helper and proceeded to work on our bedroom.

These are things I did.
1) Wipe our bedside table and the walls beside our window.
2) Remove curtains
3) Remove bedsheet
4) Wash bedsheet and curtains
5) Hang back the curtains
6) Put on new bedsheets for my bed
7) Change quilt cover and pillow case
8) Fold a mountain of clothes
9) Hang the rest and pack them all in the cupboard

This took up the WHOLE of my afternoon! I felt so tired after that and yet the house is still far from clean.

Sometimes I envy Limiin for having a maid. Her house is soooo clean. Everything is dust-free, everything smells nice, there's no mountain of clothes to be washed, to be folded or to be hung up. Yet I'm not willing to sacrifice our privacy and 2-person-plus-2-dogs world to have an additional stranger in the house (though the cleanliness will be A-star).

If there's a machine that can clean every part of the house automatically, I'll surely buy it. Anyone who invents such a machine sure earn big money. From me, prob my mum, prob Miin, and prob most mummys.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, ya i'll buy the machine rather than hire a maid. haha. if u found one let me know. Miin

Hui Ling said...

haha ok. or we can pray for God to get someone to invent one haha.