Monday, August 4, 2008


For the sake of my loyal readers, I must make a confession.

I have not updated my blog for sooo long (despite the fact that my photos have all been uploaded into blogger) is because I have an affair with something else, and have dumped blogger (for the time being).

The one who commited 'adultery' with me was...Forensic Heroes II (HK drama). For 2 weeks, my routine has been:
1) Gym or Piano lesson or Miscellaneous stuff depending on what day it is, what time I woke up, and how lazy I feel.
2) Lunch
3) Head back to home
4) Give the dogs their cuddles
5) QT
6) Prepare for the day's lessons
7) Bathe n wash hair
8) Rush out (from my bedroom, not of my house) and teach tuition with my hair dripping wet most of the time
9) Go out with hubby again for dinner
10) Come home
11) Feed the dogs and bring them out
12) Clear up my work for the day/ Practise piano
13) Bathe
By then it's 11am. Rush to watch our drama before we break our bedtime rules again

We have 3 more VCDs to go. I'm quite keen to embark on the bible study program led by Bishop Moses Tay after reading an article he wrote on the FOP mag. The article was quite insightful and I'm eager to learn more from him. The last time I was a student was 5 years ago. If I do sign up for it, I hope I wouldn't fall asleep when I go for the tutorials.

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