Saturday, August 23, 2008


I felt my lower back muscles today. So? It's something to cheer about! Why?

Yesterday at the gym, hubby asked me to do the lats machine. If I remember the name of the monster correctly. It's this contraption that has two rubber pulleys with handles at the end. You sit on the machine, hold the handles with your arms stretched out and pull your arms back till your elbows are in line with your back. This was supposed to work my back muscles but I couldn't feel a single thing from my back. All I felt was my tricep muscles groaning but back muscles? Nope.

So I kept asking hubby whether I was doing the machine the right way. It's supposed to be a back machine but I can only feel my arms. Hubby looked at my technique and told me not to worry. I was doing the right thing and the reason I couldn’t feel anything on my back was that my back muscles was too small.

Last night I carried Shernise (Nd Quek's goddaughter) for a while and I felt my back! Wow carrying children is hard work. Limiin says her arms ache after carrying Zia for a while. When he's bigger and wants to be carried upright all the time, the strain will be on the back.

I remember asking hubby why am I working on my back? No one's gonna see my back. If I am still competing in latin dance, then back muscles would be good cos our costumes are mostly bareback but hai, I’m way past that stage liao. But I've found a reason to work on my back. Then next time can be super mom. Carry bb with one hand and shop with the other hand. Haha.

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