Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Possible benchmarks of Success

1) Career - Compared to your peers, are you on the higher rung of the corporate ladder?

2) Marital Status - Single, Attached, Engaged, Married?

3) 5 Cs - Condo, Credit Card, Cash, and ???

4) Social Status - Famous? Popular?

5) Spirituality - Strong understanding of personal religion

6) Number of Children you have

7) Qualifications: Degree, Masters, PhD?

To me now, success is measured in the following order.

1) Knowing who I am in Christ and being confident in the roles He has placed me in.

2) Ability to provide my husband with the support and help he needs.

3) Sharing the love and joy of Christ with all my students and friends.

4) Being joyful and happy in what I do. Serving the Lord and teaching my students with joy.

What are your benchmarks of Success?

Proverbs 3:6 In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. TLB

Sad but true?

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