Thursday, May 15, 2008

Update 2

We had our Canon Camera repaired before we went Bintan and I found some old photos in it. Today I happened to take a picture of Ah Boy and noticed that he was in the same adorable position he favored as a puppy, except now he has grown from cute to charming.

Ah boy at 3 months old

Look at all the puffy baby hair he has.

Ah boy now at 5 years old

Ugly Teenager boy and puppy Mei

Ah mei's 1st batch of babies

Puppy Ger

An older Ger but still with a puppy look

This is me and my boyfriend-turned-hubby taken 3 years ago

Abba Father, I thank you for all the beautiful memories, my adoring husband, and the 2 beautiful doggies we have now. Thank U for everything!!!!

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