I thank God so much for the salvation of all 5 of us. We did not come from Christian families, and all of us had our own history of worshipping idols, yet God by His grace opened our eyes to recognise Him as our Creator and our God. With God, life has become an exciting journey of being molded by Him, an exhilarating trip of taking little steps of faith and obedience and seeing the results that provides blessings money can't buy. Thru' these 5 years of my journey with God, I've gotten to see more and more of his love and grace, of how He's always right, even when the things He say at times seem downright weird. At the end of the day I can't help but marvel at how deep His wisdom is in knowing that things would turn out a certain way. Yes many times I forget that He was the one who created the magnificent canyons, the beautiful sunset, the breathtaking views atop a mountain...many times these are just head knowledge and I take it for granted...
I also thank Him for how much He has changed me....though i'm far from being perfect, I know I am so much happier because He has changed my attitude, not because He has changed my circumstances. I thank God for how I no longer need to struggle and strive, but I can rely on my Father to take care and provide for me. I don't need to defend myself, because He is my Defender. All I have to do is to enjoy the work He has given me, to constantly be thankful of all that He has given me, and to continue to let His words come alive in me.
Few days ago, hubby said this to me, "It's no use setting an agenda and reading your bible everyday faithfully if the words doesn't change you. His words are supposed to be life, but if you just read them and forget about them, they are just words." I realise that yes, I've been reading faithfully but I have not allowed His words to change my heart. Alot of times I change my actions or my words but I insist on thinking the same way I used to think about certain things that I'm opinionated about. Hubby went on further to say that when we try to change by our human efforts, we'll end up very tired and results would be minimal. We should take more time to meditate on God's Word and to reflect on ourselves. It's very tiring and at times difficult to admit that alot of times, the reasons behind our unhappiness is actually ourselves. So must really take time to pray and reflect and dig deep within ourselves what is really wrong. Is it a fear, a selfishness or disbelief that causes us to think a certain way, act a certain way and end up feeling a certain way. After identifying the root, then it's time to meditate on God's Word and keep on praying. Then He will answers ALL our questions by the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit and we will find the answer. For He says, Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. The key is will, not might. Ahhh our God is an awesome God!!!!
During our Hong Kong trip, i had a personal encounter with God when my hubby fellout with me. I thank God that this time my hubby's heart was hardened against me and he didn't relent and give in to me. That was when I was desperate and ran to God. That was when I heard God's voice and understood what was best for me. These days I feel much lighter and happier. Even the way I play my piano has changed.
Though God is still far from being done with me, I just want to publicly thank Him and give Him all the glory. When I blamed Him and turned away from Him, Jesus was saddened but He never turned away from me. When I gave up trying to change, He never gave up trying to talk sense into me. Theres's still alot more exciting things from God that I've yet to understand and receive from Him. But i'm excited and looking forward to what is to come!
Happy 'Birthday' to us all!

Thank you everyone who was there to witness our baptism. Thank you for your love, your prayers, the flowers and other gifts that you have blessed us with!

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