One of the most excitng segment for the girls...
Gangstas in action
Gangstas in action
Hubbi didn't love me only at the beginning when everything was fresh and exciting. He loved me throughout. Like till now, eight months after marriage, he's still washing the dishes for me (cos my hands will get bubbles if i wash) and mopping the floor for me (cos I say I don't like to do exertive stuff). Washing toilets, wiping dust, cooking and picking up dog poo are all under his charge. The only regular housework he 'allocate' to me is washing his clothes. He got lots and lots of dirty clothes cos he goes to the gym and perspires alot so he keeps changing clothes. But then again, I was given a washing machine and a dryer to assist me =P
May I add that I also had to make quite a few adjustments and change myself to accept many things before things became this way. I struggled lots of times especially during the beginning of our marriage. I don't mean now it's perfect but it's much better. Yap back to the changes.
Initally I couldn't stand the house being dusty and such so I try to keep it spick and span. But I'm quite busy with tuition and I don't like housework so I'll complain that hubbi doesn't help me. Then hubbi said that if I want him to do, I shouldn't dictate when and how he should do it. and I also shouldn't nag bcos it makes him irritated and he feels like he does it not bcos he loves me but bcos i force him to. so i haf to squash my urge everytime I see hair on my carpet, when the toilet bowl is no longer shiny and just leave it to him. He says that if I want to do the housework, I have to be happy doing it. means cannot complain or nag. He says if I 'order' him to do it, it's wrong. Cos I'm not the leader. So I asked him if I want him to do some things for me how should I tell him. So he said must ask like a little girl. Means if he say no I got to just accept it. Even if I get angry also must be angry like a little girl, cannot try to climb over him.
Haha so I really changed alot. From a super domineering person to a submissive wife. Ok not perfect yet but he says I'm much better now. I still fall back into my nature now and then especially when I'm angry. You know when you're angry u just feel like rebelling against whatever God says and do things your way. Haha but after a few trials, I don't find it so hard to obey my husband and God anymore. And I found that they love me even more after I "die" to myself. Like lao gong's 1st reaction when he gets his pay is to bring me shopping. And when he brings me shopping, he really will stay with me and look at girl stuff. When the sole of his sports shoes came off, he kept using different kinds of glue to stick it back, even though it's his essentials. (He wears it almost everyday.) But when I say I'm bored of my shoes, which are not spoiled yet, he goes and buy me a $120 pair of heels the day he got his pay. He never used to be like this. So I know that God and lao gong love me more when I follow the biblical principles of a marriage.
I'm not sayin that the bible is a magic formula that makes marriages work out. But what I'm saying is that God created man and woman and He knows what makes us tick. If I were to follow world view and try to fight my way thru my marriage to have my say, claim authority, and even use change my husband to make him love me more, it'll only result in world marriage standards. Which means the longer you get married, the more likely you'll settle into the cycle of nagging, power struggles, arguments over situations when opinions differ. but if we were to just trust God and do as He says, to submit to our husbands, die to our own ego and allow him to take control, I don't even have to change my husband and he just treats me better.
Off we go running around again...
Isn't this beautiful? Some of my baby sisters n bros (ex-students who still kept in contact with us) did this for us. My sis sneakily downloaded the fotos from my comp and mainly Mel and Yun did it at Mel's house. I had absolutely no idea at all until they presented it to me b4 the wedding procession in the cry room and I cried (pardon the pun) when I saw it. It was really something to receive something so precious on your big day. See the right bottom corner of the poster? There's even a bunch of flowers attached there. It's now sitting in our TV room taking the honor of the place right beside the TV =D
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