Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our Wedding Dinner

Survivor: Wedding Edition

We all survived....

Thanks to our very gracious cell members, the nite turned out fine cos the number of tables and seating arrangements were all mixed up. Thanks to lao gong's errr very unsystematic way of organising things. See the radiant couple in the middle? They're Limiin and Weiquan, our very dear friends. They were due to get married 2 months after us and are now based in Vietnam. You can read their very interesting blog from http://wann...(err i better ask Miin for permission first.)

This is Many people say he look like Thomas Ong heh. See the ang bao boxes? The safe in our hotel suite was faulty so Andy Teo and Andy Quek had to hold on them the whole night. So poor thing hor. Cannot even eat in peace after working the whole day and nite and still got to look after a bulky item. After that they still had to escort us around the tables for foto taking and help fend off the drinks. Not coke, it's alchoholic drinks. I told you we were blessed with very good cell mates.... ^_^
Thank you everyone who attended our wedding and who have helped contributed to an unforgettable day. Though we may not be keeping in constant contact with some of you, you have played an important role in our lives and may this blog be a link that will help us keep in touch amidst our busy schedules =)

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