Friday, July 11, 2008

Back from Hong Kong

Victoria's Peak

I'm back from Hong Kong. Some short updates before I lag in my entries again. This was a good trip but...we ended up being mroe tired than the first one. Hubby says it's because now I know the place better and I have some old shopping places to vist PLUS some new ones to go to. I didn't realise that we were squeezing in alot of places until the last day when he mentioned that his legs were aching badly and this trip seemed more tiring than the previous one. Sigh...poor hubby...really must change my way of planning the itinerary...

The summer sales was so so only. The really nice items are usually not on sale and the street markets also do not participate in the summer sales so...verdict is, it doesn't matter whether it's the sales period or not...just go when the weather is good. This time round the weather was like in Singapore except that we don't drive, take the MTR everywhere and most of the time we shop at street markets under the sweltering heat so you can imagine...

We ate alot more this time...every meal was good except for one that murdered our appetite for supper. According to the reviews I read, this was supposed to be the pilgrimage every claypot eater should go to but hmm, I guess our tastebuds differed from the Hong Kongers for claypot rice.

The highlight of this trip was Victoria's Peak! The skies were clear so we got a good view and it was really breathtaking. Wished we had brought a tripod there. And the houses on the hills...I think the Kar Shing guy stays there.

Some of the buildings are actually residential buildings...ooh to live in one like that...

The houses on the hills

Gotta run for tuition. Will post more photos another day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

HK here we come!

We're leaving our house tmr at 4am to catch the 640am flight to Hong Kong and will be coming back on 4 July 815pm.

Actually this was supposed to be a BKK trip during the year end for hubby to go catch Mekong catfish but he decided to sacrifice his holiday destination for my dream holiday destination. Ever since we came back from Hong Kong, I have been longing to go back there and enjoy the long dim sum breakfast, walk on the busy streets, see the sights at Victoria Peak, eat the Roast Goose and Smelly beancurd etc etc.

Then hubby saw a promo on Jetstar of 50% discount on its air tickets so he asked me to seize the offer and book the tix there and then. We decided that since we were going back to Hong Kong, we might as well go while they are having their summer sales. So we brought forward our year end holiday to July.

Thank U hubby!!! This time round we're more well informed and better prepared for the trip. We've also decided not to squeeze too many places into our itinerary so that there wouldn't be the stress of running around trying to do too many things. Hee looking forward to the trip. I think many of you must be thinking I'm crazy for going again so soon but I really thank God for this blessing. Hong Kong here we come!!!